Creativity Takes Courage

  • June 12, 2024

Creativity Takes Courage

*Michael is but one example of many who have arrived at the Mission with little hope and is now more positive and able to feel a part of his community. His story embodies the struggle of a long journey, beginning from childhood – a member of the Stolen Generation. Michael came to the Mission with just a note in hand, his head low. After years of isolation, experiencing periods of homelessness and being turned away from other services, he gathered himself and reached out one more time for that spark of hope to ignite his journey.

Meals Plus became a safe space for Michael and he visited regularly for meals, grocery items and essentials like toiletries. Gradually, he opened up—not at first through words, but through his art. This creative outlet allowed him to explore and understand his past, his hopes, and his dreams for a brighter future. With trust built, we helped him to explore other services available to him through the community hub days and on-site services. He obtained safe secure accommodation and ongoing support to become active in the community again.

Michael’s journey continues, and he hopes to connect eventually with his family. For now, he is smiling and has renewed hope, with a home and a community on which he can rely. It is amazing to watch Michael today. He listens to and supports others, engaging with people around him. His smile exudes an inner joy that becomes more of a reality for him every day.
*name changed for privacy reasons.

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